The Red Height

A new live album by renowned Rabbi, lecturer and musician Shlomo Katz consisting of 8 never before released tracks!


Featured single from The Red Height Sessions

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The Inspiration

On a beautiful spring day, some of my closest and talented friends gathered with me in Ma’ale Adumim, and we recorded a full album consisting of 8 never before released tracks. It was live, it was raw, and it was powerful.

I am honored to share with you the first track, Lulei, a Niggun that I had the privilege of composing years back with our good friend Shlomo Gaisin of Zusha.

The full album will be released, please G-d, in the next few weeks, and we want to give it to you for free before it is released publicly. To get the album and other exclusive content, please join my mailing list at the link below.

Kaveh el Hashem Chazak Veya’ametz Libecha

Be strong, with a heart of courage


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The Red Heights Session For Free